Saturday, September 13, 2014
Hello authors, editors, support staff and friends/colleagues, we are happy to announce that Frost Books, Crimson Frost and Midnight Frost Books will be hosting a blogradio show two times a month. At least that is the plan at this time. This is just in its infancy so things are subject to change and we are open to suggestions.
We are developing a schedule at this time. We hope it will promote us, our authors and others to the world of readers. We are excited for authors to share their stories and encourage and develop their fan base. Truth be told we wish to develop our fan base too. In doing so, we want to not only promote but to provide information and tips on editing, writing, promoting, and all other topics which impact the industry.
We will be asking our support staff… editors, artist, promoters, and bloggers to participate as well and talk about themselves and their services. Share their excitement for what they do as part of our team and without Frost Books. Our view is to promote all, to get to know each other, and to educate one another.
To get everyone’s name out. For all to benefit, either directly or indirectly. We will be inviting other publisher friends and outside authors to participate as well, especially our Beachwalk authors! But we invite any others as well. Patricia and I are published by other publishers. Sharing their news and upcoming books/ events is also our goal.
Our show will be 30 minutes long each time. In that time, we want the world to know about us, our authors, our author’s books and others, our friends, and anything else that excites our readers and our authors who we truly appreciate.
We are aware that there are some publishers who have not been author and or reader friendly. We are not pleased with that news generally as authors and or publishers. Patricia and I are authors and readers too and we understand. We want to do all we can do to achieve success for all. No doubt, we are all learning. But this is true in any industry. Even lawyers and doctors learn while doing their jobs. I know you hate to think so, but it is often true. They do learn and they do succeed! We all want to succeed.
We endeavor to be honest and communicative with our staff and authors. We searched our brains to find a way to bring us all closer and to help all. Therefore, Patricia and I came up with the idea of blogradio.
We hope you like this idea too.
If you were sent this email or are reading this… We are inviting you to participate and we would like to schedule you. The interviews will be done over the phone or computer. So, you will not need to fly here to gorgeous Ohio, USA or Kamloops, BC. LOL. The world is so cool with all this tech we are close no matter where you are.
If you have friends who are authors self-published or with other pubs…. Let them know we would like to interview them about their books too. Spread the word! We are anxious to hear what you all think!
Thanks so much for your time,
Ciara Lake and Patricia Bates
This will be shared on FB, twitter, and blogs. So, if you don't get email... you will get this.
May I ask you for a favor? As my blog has little traffic at present, I am trying to generate some more, because I use it to sell my company’s products. More visits will increase my blog’s “Google Images” ranking and visibility. I am asking you to visit my blog occasionally, even though it may not be of particular interest to you. Cordial thanks.
türkiye ve istanbul bölgelerinden Medyum
Türkiye bölgesinden Medyum
En iyi firmalardan birtanesi ingilizce çeviri firmalarından biri olan imge tercüme firması ile çalışma yaptım birkaç evraklarım vardı bunları ingilizceye çevirttim harika iş yapıyorlar gerçekten profesionelliklerine diyecek yok öyle diyebilirim gerçekten ingilizce tercüme ve yeminli tercümelermiş bir harf bile eksik yazmadan işimi hallettiler saolsunlar profesionel bir ekip ihtiyacınız oldugu takdirde bu firma ile çalışmanızı tavsiye ederim belki işinize yarar diye paylaşmak gereği duydum
En iyi firmalardan birtanesi ingilizce çeviri firmalarından biri olan imge tercüme firması ile çalışma yaptım birkaç evraklarım vardı bunları ingilizceye çevirttim harika iş yapıyorlar gerçekten profesionelliklerine diyecek yok öyle diyebilirim gerçekten ingilizce tercüme ve yeminli tercümelermiş bir harf bile eksik yazmadan işimi hallettiler saolsunlar profesionel bir ekip ihtiyacınız oldugu takdirde bu firma ile çalışmanızı tavsiye ederim belki işinize yarar diye paylaşmak gereği duydum
Uzman profesyonel çalışmalarla sizlerin sorunlarını çözen Medyum Aslan sizlerin yanındadır.
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